
10 Proven Health Benefits of Hibiscus

Por Alan Costa, em 22/01/2018
benefits hibiscus

Proven Health Benefits of Hibiscus that you need know. Moreover, the hibiscus contains properties beneficial for prevent and fight various diseases. Then, check the Benefits of hibiscus for health. Like to know what the Benefits of hibiscus are? Know the properties of hibiscus: main benefits, nutrients, vitamins and origin.

The 12 Benefits of hibiscus for Health are varied because hibiscus has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the general health of the body. Also, with hundreds of species and variations.

Hibiscus is one of the most traditional flowers on Brazilian soil, since it is native to hot and humid places typical of subtropical and tropical climates. Also called the Jamaican flower is Rose of China, the flower is even one of the main symbols of Hawaii.

One of the most traditional and widely used species to make the traditional hibiscus tea is hibiscus sabdariffa, which blooms from the vinegar – a plant widely used for medicinal and oriental purposes. So, check out 10 Proven Health Benefits of Hibiscus:

Nutritional Value of Hibiscus: One hibiscus has only 45 calories. In addition, this food is a source of vitamins such as Vitamin A and C, Vitamin B6. It also has good amounts of soluble and insoluble fibers, besides containing only good fats. Hibiscus also has several phytochemicals and carotenoids, especially beta-carotene, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Hibiscus To Maintain Health In The Day: Hibiscus is one of the most popular types of tea in the world and in some localities it is even used as a medicinal beverage. It can be ingested hot or cold, has low calories and does not have caffeine, unlike most of the teas. ”

Regardless of the form of consumption, several studies relate Hibisco, when associated with a healthy diet, with a reduction in cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose, and the control of hypertension, besides contributing to the burning of body fat and the prevention of diseases because of its antioxidant action.

Benefits of Hibiscus By Containing Nutrients For Body: hibiscus is made of important nutrients for the body. It is rich in phosphorus and magnesium, potassium and vitamin B1, B2 and C. “Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron by the body, and also antioxidants that fight the causes of aging and diseases, such as cancer,” explains Caroline.

The vitamins B1, B2 contribute to the health of the skin, hair and bones. In the form of tea, hibiscus is rich in flavonoids, polyphenols, organic acids and vitamin A, which also neutralize the molecular free radicals that, if present in excesses in the body, cause aging of cells and trigger diseases.

Hibiscus Enhancers To Lose Weight With Health: Not many people need the help of Hibisco to lose weight. It is not atoa: the flowers are rich in antioxidants with thermogenic action, which can contribute to the burning of fat.

Studies have shown that hibiscus can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL), as well as blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular disease, improve blood flow, ward off bladder infections and help regulate bowel function , due to the presence of these phytochemical substances.

Benefits of Hibiscus to Reduce Cholesterol: No less than 80 million Brazilians are high cholesterol, and the bad news is that this number is increasing. Poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, stress and hereditary factors have combined to leave more than a third of the population with LDL cholesterol above the ideal range. The good thing about it all is that hibiscus is a great natural remedy to deal with these problems.

Benefits of Hibiscus to Prevent Diabetes: Alongside hypertension and elevated LDL levels, excess blood sugar is part of a set of conditions that make up the metabolic syndrome. The term refers to metabolic risk factors that manifest in a person and raise the chances of developing diabetes and heart complications. The good thing about it all is that hibiscus is a great natural remedy to deal with these problems.

Benefits of Hibiscus for Being Diuretic: Based on the scientific literature available to date, researchers have observed that the diuretic effect of hibiscus tea is due to the performance of H. sabdariffa as an aldosterone antagonist.

Benefits of Hibiscus To Improve Intestinal Function: Hibiscus is mildly laxative since its active compounds improve digestion and promote intestinal transit. For best results with hibiscus tea, take one cup of the liquid upon waking, still fasting.

Benefits of Hibiscus to Prevent Cancer: Like other antioxidant-rich foods, hibiscus contains phytonutrients that can slow the growth of cancer cells through a reduction in the amount of free radicals in the circulation.

Benefits of Hibiscus As an Antioxidant: Hibiscus serves not only to reduce the measures but also to maintain health. The antioxidants of hibiscus flowers play an important role in reducing cell damage caused by oxidative stress.

Contraindications of Hibiscus: Hibiscus consumption should be moderate, since the tea has vasodilator properties, which lowers blood pressure, which can cause dizziness, fainting of weaknesses in the body.

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